Today we are lucky enough to have Tiffany with us Guest Blogging from Lifestyles of the rich and "not so" famous - she is an amazing person who was willing to share with us all her story. Please take a moment to read her post, visit her site, and feel free to leave comments in response on our Facebook page.
Jackson Burton Rich
On Tuesday, September 23, 2008 our most precious
baby Jackson was called home to our Heavenly Father. He was 1 year, 4 months
and 3 days old. At approximately 1:30 pm, our little Jack fell into our 12 inch
deep pond in our backyard and unfortunately, drowned. Though kind neighbors and
paramedics worked for over 50 agonizing minutes to bring our baby back it was
only for a few hours. They were able to get his heart pumping again, but his
little lungs were too saturated to be saved. One good thing was able to come of
this. Jack had a strong heart in more ways than one. We felt impressed to have
his valves donated to help save someone else's little angel. If we could save
one mom and dad from standing in front of a little white casket asking the Lord
"why? Why OUR baby?", then it would be worth it. We were told that
Jack is helping to save not one but four little babies born to damaged hearts.

People from everywhere seemed come out from all
parts of the world to offer us comfort. A large donation was given to us by the
sweet ward members (I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day
Saints) and a memorial fund was set up at our Credit Union. So many generous
people sent cards, flowers, donations, gifts, words of comfort, a listening
ear, meals for almost 2 weeks, treats, books, different blog sites, the list
goes on and on. Friends flew in from all over. They dropped everything they
were doing to be there for us in our time of need. Our families on both sides
put their feelings aside and did everything they could to help us. Laundry was
done, dinner was made, the house was cleaned. Our best friends took many of the
last pictures we have of Jack and enlarged them, framed them and drove them
down to us from Logan. I am so thankful that she was able to capture such
tender moments of our little Jack. We will always treasure them. Our ward
family was truly amazing. So many wonderful people served us so kindly that we
are sure that we will never be able to give you what you have given to us. The
friendships that have been created are now permanent and we truly feel like we
belong. I'd love to personally thank every single person that gave of their
time, energy and efforts so selflessly. Many were anonymous and I pray that
they will get the reward they deserve by our loving Heavenly Father. Mothers
who had lost their own little ones took time to call me and console ME during
even their darkest hours. Pictures of Jack and our family were printed,
enlarged and framed. Two gorgeous albums were completely scrapbooked with
pictures of Jack during his entire life. Loved ones dropped by daily, sometimes
more than that to show that they were thinking of us and show us that they
loved us. Friends and family stepped up in such a way as I have never seen.
I know that there are countless other tender mercies
(see Tiffany's blog here) that I have failed to mention. I know that the Lord loves us, that he cares for
each of us individually. That He knows us individually. I know that He knows
the Plan much better than I could ever hope to. I feel peace knowing that while
Jack's time was short he is with a loving Heavenly Father and is watching over
us. I feel his presence and know that Jack is a truly special son of God. I
feel privileged to have had him as my son despite the length of time. He is
still my son and I KNOW that I will see him again. I KNOW that I will have the
opportunity to raise him if I'll only prove worthy. I am grateful for this
knowledge. I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Atonement has an
entirely new meaning in my life and how I view things. How selfless our Savior
is to suffer so that we could return Home again. I am grateful that the Lord
didn't step in and remove that bitter cup, despite how difficult it must have
been. How hard it must have been for Him to watch His only begotten Son suffer.
And yet loved us so much that he was willing to sacrifice that which was most
precious for the better good. I love my Father in Heaven and his Son, Jesus
Christ. I am so grateful for the knowledge of the Plan of Salvation and that we
are sealed together as an eternal family. I am grateful for such a wonderful
husband who could have easily blamed me for not paying attention that awful
day, but chose the higher road. Chose to love me and trust me that it wasn't my
fault. I am grateful for good friends and family that love me unconditionally.
I feel such gratitude despite our current circumstances. And I know that if we
endure this trial well, that we will be exalted from on high. I know that the
Lord answers our prayers. I am reminded of what He told the Prophet Joseph
Smith when he suffered with his companions in the smothering darkness of
Liberty Jail: “My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine
afflictions shall be but a small moment; “And then, if thou endure it well, God
shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes.” In the words
of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the 12, "The Lord compensates
the faithful for every loss. That which is taken away from those who love the
Lord will be added unto them in His own way. While it may not come at the time
we desire, the faithful will know that every tear today will eventually be
returned a hundredfold with tears of rejoicing and gratitude." I am grateful
to know of these truths. I love this gospel, am grateful for it, for my family,
friends, my Savior and my Heavenly Father.
If you would like to guest post with us this month it isn't too late, please send us a message via our Contact Us page.