Day 23: Inspiration
Gage inspired me to start our non-profit organization with the hopes of helping other families who experience the loss of their infant(s). I don't wake up each day excited that I get to make these kits for others because I truly wish there was no reason for them. I wouldn't wish this type of loss/tragedy on my worst enemy. I wake up each day and hope to be the best me I can be for that day. I wake up excited to have a relationship with God and know that Gage is in His care. I wake up thankful each day knowing that one day my time will come and I'm no longer afraid of that day. I welcome the day I get to see my little boy again.

Capture Your Grief is a mindful healing project for anyone who is grieving the death of a baby or child of any age or gestation. If you are not grieving the death of a child but a loved one and would like to raise awareness for the bereaved parents community, we welcome you to take part as well to help us spread the word about our community. For more information visit CarlyMarie Project Heal at
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