Our Mission

Come find out what our mission as a non-profit organization is.

Our Story

Read the story of the sweet baby boy that inspired the foundation of this non-profit organization.


Learn more about what each donated package contains and the reason why it is included.

How To Help

Want to help out? Come find out the ways that you can do just that.


There are many ways you can donate to our cause - come read how to do so.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

3 years....

I can't believe 3 years have passed since I woke up to find my baby lifeless.  I have relived that morning over and over in my mind.  I'm afraid of forgetting any detail that relates to Gage because 3 days wasn't long enough with him.  I miss him more than ever and constantly wonder what he would look like or what his personality would be like.  I also know that nothing I can or would have done can bring him back.  I'm grateful to know that he is in a better place and that one day we will be reunited.  Today, I spent the afternoon with my family putting together kits that will be donated to local hospitals to give to other families who lose their infant(s).  I continue to be so thankful to all of you who have helped me make this organization a success.  I will forever be grateful for your countless hours spent sewing, money donated, and overall support which helps me give Gage's life purpose and honor his memory. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Gage

I can't believe Gage would be 3 today. This time of year always brings about so many emotions. We choose to celebrate his life and have spent the last several days "celebrating" in California. Another way that we remember Gage is by continuing to make and donate more kits. We were given such a wonderful gift this year.....a very generous donation that will help us make and donate a very large number of kits. I'm excited to get home and get kits donated. We continue to be grateful for all the love and support that we have received and continue to receive on this journey. Happy Birthday baby boy, I can't wait for the day that we celebrate this day together.